What's the #1 Trait in All Great Leaders?


I saved you the suspense because most of us hate being dragged down a tunnel of content just to find the answer (am I right?)

Industries don’t matter.

Show me a person who knows what their strengths are and acknowledges their weaknesses and they’re worth following (at least initially).

We tend to critique leadership styles in others, but get defensive when people challenge ours.

Why is that?

There are multiple reasons why, but here’s the top 2 to start:

  1. The leader is NOT self-aware, so therefore their style is undefined and inconsistent (think identity crisis).

  2. Your ideal style of leadership is different than theirs. You agree to disagree.

Both are frustrating, but at least in the latter example you know what you’re dealing with.

Self-awareness in leadership is essential because your level of awareness is tied to your team’s.

Translation: if you don’t know what you’re good at/suck at, how can you expect your people to?

Leaders and managers need to show with their actions before they tell with their words.

When you’re not self-aware as a leader, you’re not modeling the importance of it to your team.

So if this is you, here are some practical ways to find your leadership identity:

  • Ask for feedback from people who actually know you

  • Dig back into past experiences where your leadership impacted others

  • Identify patterns, personality traits and times of crisis where your character was tested

If you thought this would be easy, welcome to leadership.

“To whom much is given, much will be required.”

Leadership is hard work.

It’s both a lofty and honorable experience at the same time.

I wish leaders would warn future/aspiring leaders of what to expect.

Be aware ahead of time that no matter what you do, someone will always despise you.

If you’re okay with that you’re off to a good start.

Leadership is not a popularity contest.

Great leaders do the right thing regardless of the backlash.

Therefore leaders need to be self-aware enough to be comfortable in their own shoes while navigating the criticism of their actions (even if well-intended).

In order to stay humble and hungry as a leader, you have to prioritize your growth.

That means being proactive with listening, watching and experiencing effective leadership examples that challenge your mindset.

If you didn’t already know leadership is a grueling, introspective, roller coaster of emotions journey that shouldn’t be traveled alone.

Most leaders don’t reach out, hire a coach or ask for help.

Don’t be that person. Leadership does not thrive in isolation.

Instead, reply to this email about what support you need as a leader and check out some of my talks here for your next event or company meeting.

God Bless,

P.S. I’ve been working on my YouTube Channel lately (I know it needs a lot of work), but hey everyone’s got to start somewhere right? Check it out and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!