The Fairy Tale Manager

Does the fairy tale manager really exist?

90 Day Fiance Love GIF by TLC

Gif by tlc_network on Giphy

Hate to burst your bubble, but no.

Let’s begin with a couple of poems by the talented Raquel Phillips illustrating the extremes between the ideal manager and uninvolved manager.

Which one resonates with you most?

If that poem sounded like a fantasy, how about the one below?

Working Hurry Up GIF by SNICKERS

Gif by snickers on Giphy

Hit too close to home?

When it comes down to the expectations of your manager, be realistic.

We’re going to address managers from two very different points of view.

Linda Karen GIF

Gif by DudeDad on Giphy

As a manager, your goal should be to improve.

  • Become the 2.0 version of yourself.

  • Start by identifying your strengths.

  • Leverage them into your leadership style.

  • Think aspirational - what’s possible?

Aim to become the leader you wish you had then reverse engineer the process to get there.

  • The best leaders in any industry are self-aware.

  • They consistently utilize their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

  • Reality is you can’t be everything to everyone. So stop.

  • Being aware means you know your limitations.

  • Your level of self-awareness is directly aligned to your impact on others.

  • Ask for feedback in order to get better as a leader.

  • Progress is a result of taking the assessment to heart and making changes.

Now’s let transition to managing “up.”

Manish GIF by Potomac Fund Management

Gif by Potomac on Giphy

What are you doing to help your manager?

Instead of pointing fingers and designating blame, take a look in the mirror (ouch).

Model what you want to see in your boss by being an example.

Does that guarantee change in them?

No, but it is being proactive.

Control what you can actually control.


When your attitude and effort are directed towards forming a partnership with your manager there’s hope.

Do everything in your power to make it work for the company.

Don’t make it about you.

Now once you’ve exhausted all your options, then you can explore outside (career) alternatives.

Yeah I said it…

The Company’s Responsibility

What I find interesting is how few companies actually invest in leadership training for their people.

Why would you spend money on recruiting, interviewing, hiring and onboarding, but ignore ongoing training?

That’s like devoting all your energy towards dating, engagement and the wedding, but neglecting the marriage.

This type of corporate tradition is backwards and needs to stop.

If you truly want a storybook ending for your staff’s development it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.

Reply to this email, select one of these talks/workshops that best meets the leadership needs of your company and let me help you turn this ship around before it’s too late.

God Bless,
