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  • There's No Such Thing As Management Philosophy

There's No Such Thing As Management Philosophy

Management theory is a myth.

Company principles on leadership practices are meaningless.


Because leaders are judged on behaviors, not theories.

jingle all the way christmas movies GIF


Mission and vision statements are nice, but what employees and customers observe on a daily basis are core values acted out.

(Most) people don’t care about what you intend or aspire to do.

They care what you actually do.

How you treat your people = leadership brand.

So why do companies invest so much time and money on creating management structure and plans, but nothing on the actual implementation? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Because working on improving your leaders is hard work.

It includes feedback, trial and error plus accountability, just to name a few.

It’s much easier to dream up concepts than actually dealing with the grind of providing correction and direction for your leaders consistently.

(Just like it’s easier to take diet pills than eat healthy and workout.)

If the main reason (70%) why people leave their jobs is because of poor managers, why not address and fix the training problem?! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Blown Away Wow GIF by Aminé

Gif by amine on Giphy

As a speaker I’m grateful to offer talks and keynotes to inspire employees to be better (see my reel here 😬).

But the real work comes with the follow-up: monthly workshops and coaching.

This may hurt my value as a speaker, but the ROI on training and coaching (+86%) is much higher than a one-off talk.

The idea of leadership development is appealing until it’s really time to do the work and hold people accountable for results.

So if your company is focusing on theory over action, plead with them to stop! (or show them this post)

  • Motivation and inspiration are short lived.

  • Real transformation takes time and effort.

  • The bigger the change, the longer it takes.

If you want to produce better managers, leaders and executives in your organization it’s time to forge a different path.

Invest in your people by hiring a combination of talks, workshops and coaching.

Your employees, customers and HR will thank you for it!

That’s why leadership theories don’t work.

It’s about what you do that matters.

Now if you’re ready to change or know a leader who needs to, reply to this email or send them my way and let’s get to work.

God Bless,

P.S. I love facilitating conversations/interviewing as much as speaking and if you want to know how to use trust & candor to facilitate growth at your company check out my event with Hana below!