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- I’m Going To Need Those TPS Reports ASAP
I’m Going To Need Those TPS Reports ASAP
Even if you haven’t seen the movie “Office Space” you know exactly what a micromanager looks like.
Here are a few of the tell-tale signs:
Wants to control “how” you do everything
Needs approval before moving forward
Points out what you’re doing wrong
Never implements any of your ideas
Leaves a trail of ex-employees
Rules for thee, but not for me
Bottlenecks all decision making as the gatekeeper
Constantly judges you with their eyes
Creates an environment of fear
The fact it’s relatable is a sad reality.
Ok I’m going to stop before we both start crying.
We’ve all had bad managers before, but not everyone has experienced a good or great one.
If you deal with (or have dealt with) a boss who suffers from MMS (MicroManager Syndrome) you’re not alone.
So how do you ensure when you get the chance to lead (could be now or in the future) you don’t repeat the same errors?
Do the opposite. Be a coach.
A coach champions their team to perform at a high level by providing direction and accountability with autonomy.
If a micromanager uses control, a coach gives trust and ownership to their people.
Believe it or not, the more you try to control people (think clenched fist) the more it will backfire on you as a leader.
Companies don’t hire people to do their job for them.
So managers need to loosen the leash, allow people to learn through trial and error all the while giving constant feedback for growth.
The shift from micromanager to coach happens when you prioritize caring about the development of your teammates.
Great coaches put their people first.
They take the wellbeing of their people into every decision they make.
But I get it…it’s hard to NOT micromanage when that’s the only example you’ve seen.
Gif by yeremiaadicipta on Giphy
So if you’re ready to break that destructive cycle and become the manager/coach you wish you had…
Reply to this email and bring me into your company for a talk on the importance of soft skills, interactive manager workshops or group/individual coaching.
I’ve spent the last 20+ years of my career focusing on leadership.
I can help you avoid the mistakes I made and become the 2.0 version of the leader you have inside of you.
Be sure to check out this Gallup Article on Micromanagers and watch my conversation with Colby Morris below on Mentors to Managers.
God Bless & I hope these resources help you,
P.S. a special shout out to Raquel Phillips for her thoughtful and precise revisions for this episode. I truly appreciate it!