I Ripped The Band Aid Off

Want to know how to overcome your greatest fears?

Hit them straight on 🥊

You thought maybe I’d drag that out a bit, but if you’ve read my newsletter for a while now I get straight to the point (it’s all about efficiency).

Scared Horror GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

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Ripping the band aid off is about dealing with whatever scares you.

For me I was terrified of public speaking almost my entire life.

Now I do it for a living 😂 

Note: I’ve held leadership positions (both voluntary and paid) from an early age, so I didn’t run away from speaking in front of people, but I was reluctant about it.

So what changed?

My mindset.

I shifted the self-talk from “speaking is not my thing” to “I want to become a great speaker.”

I still have work to do, but I’m a lot more confident now than I was before.

(Although cringeworthy to this day, the recordings don’t lie 🙀)

But I don’t share this story for applause.

I share it to challenge you to do the same.

Joel Mchale Win GIF by ABC Network

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As a coach I’ve witnessed it in the following ways:

  • I helped a now multi-millionaire business owner realize entrepreneurship was his destiny from high school

  • I championed a client to ask for a promotion/raise and she got it a few months later

  • I coached myself to put “aspiring TEDx Speaker” on my LinkedIn Profile in 2019 until I landed a talk 11 months later (Van Lai will attest for me!)

In each scenario there was some risk at stake.

But “no risk, no reward.”

I’m not minimizing the fear factor for you.

But I am here to say, it’s better to try and fail than live with the regret of never trying at all 💀

Imagine the hero story you can tell after you punched your fears in the mouth.

So if you’ve allowed fear to creep into an area in your life, this is your sign to face it.

  • Life is too short for analysis paralysis.

  • Stop making excuses.

  • You’re not getting any younger.

And if you can use an extra push, guidance or accountability reply to this email and I’ll help you put together a game plan.

God Bless,

P.S. The nerves before this talk were like no other I experienced in my life! But I did it and now can say I’m a more confidence speaker because of it.