Year of Efficiency

When you think of efficiency, the first thing that comes to mind is maximum productivity.

That’s not wrong, but instead let’s focus on minimum wasted effort.

Take for instance that most consider themselves busy.

But is that a good thing? A social norm? An accepted excuse?

The opposite is prioritizing - a less is more approach.

In a day and age where you can spin your wheels without going anywhere, it’s vital to cut less important tasks out of your schedule.

Look at these benefits of being available:

  • Being present

  • Deeper relationships

  • Responding to urgent needs first

  • Open to opportunities for growth

  • Enhanced collaboration

The positive impact of not having a packed schedule allows you to be more spontaneous and flexible in the moment.

As a planner that may feel scary, but how often does the perception of being busy exclude you from being invited to an event?

Translation: those who are labeled as being “busy” all the time usually get passed over (Major FOMO)

Now you may assess your calendar and respond “there’s nothing I would cut out.”

That’s fine.

But don’t discount the value of rest - the plan to have no plans.

I get it. Not having plans may make you feel less wanted.

Yet if God rested on the 7th day after creation, what does that say about its value?

So let’s get realistic.

To use a food analogy, you can definitely trim some fat.

  • All items on your to-do list are not equal.

  • It’s good to have a to-do list, but better to prioritize it.

As a parent, my career is important, but not as significant as my family.

So if you focus on time as currency - it comes down to HOW you use it.

A lot of New Year’s Resolutions and goals are about accomplishing more, doing more, etc.

But how would your life be different if you cut some less substantial items out?

Don’t get me wrong I love efficiency, but similar to productivity it’s not about working harder, but removing obstacles that block peak performance (smarter).

  1. Time management is also energy management.

  2. Create a list of things that excite you vs. drain you.

  3. Do more of the former. Less of the latter.

Take some time to self-reflect at the start of the year and ask what you can remove before you begin to add more to your plate.

My challenge to you is to evaluate your schedule and try to create more free time rather than filling every minute of it.

A rested you is a better you - available for last minute opportunities.

Pro Tip: one of the most practical ways to get started is say no to good things in order to say yes to great things.

Here’s to an efficient 2025! 🥂

God Bless,

P.S. At the current pace soft skills will become extinct just like dinosaurs. So to stop the bleeding of turnover/quiet quitting, hire me for your next talk!